Monday, March 16, 2009

Just a few announcements...

To the two guys with their stomachs hanging out the bottom of their t-shirts at school today:  Just because the shirt fit last year, doesn't mean it fits this year.  When you dig out your summer cloths please make sure they cover your ever growing winter belly.  

To the girl sitting outside of the library smoking clove cigarettes:  This is not an angsty teenage coffee house, we are grown ups now.  If you're going to smoke put out the incense stick and get some camels.  

To my teacher who canceled class without bothering to let us know until we walked into the room and saw the note on the board (causing me to sit in the library for 2 hours waiting for the start of class):  You're a dick.

This concludes my announcements.  

Eastern Girl

Monday, March 9, 2009

She's back!!

Hello Reader(s?)!!!!  I am back!

After fighting a tough battle with pneumonia, strep throat, bronchitis, and an inner ear infection I have come out on top!!!  I am the champion of my body!!!  I showed those bugs who's boss!!!  I have to go back to school!!... oh. FRICK.

In all honesty I really missed it.  It's not the going back to school that I'm not excited about.  I am actually really enjoying school for the first time, in a long time.  I think thats because I am finally taking classes I am interested in, and not just being forced to take a remedial computer class (we really should be allowed to test out of that.)  What I'm not excited about is having to play catch up on a weeks worth of missed crap!  Including two, count them two, exams, which I now get to take in essay form!!  YAY!!!

My first day back at Eastern in a week certainly didn't disappoint, my first two classes went off without a hitch, and both of the groups I worked in finally settled on topics for our big projects!!!  I even had an exam today that went quite well, the hardest part was labeling the countries.  In my intercultural communication class we are made to label a continents worth of countries every exam.  However for some reason on this test we were asked to take on more then the usual one.  I had Central and South America, and Europe.  Not an easy feat I know, but this author was able to spend her sick time playing children's country finder games!  They would ask me to locate Bolivia, and if I accidently hit Peru, a little owl yelled at me.  All in all I learned a lot, and was able to pick up quite a few points on that section.

I know it seems like I may have had a normal day, but Eastern always manages to throw a curve ball in there, even when you're not suspecting.  As I was getting out of AD class, actually I'm going to stop there before I relate this entire story.  I do have a little, tiny, itty bitty complaint about ad class.  I'm pretty sure my teacher read "Advertising for Dummies" picked up 8-10 slang words and just throws them into random sentences when she speaks to the class.  She's just banking on the fact that no one in her class reads the book, and she would be right, not because we don't care but because no one has any idea what chapter we are on.  But I digress, one of the best sentences she said today was this "All the people in Washington are here, and if we play our cards right we could get picked up by the network."  Right now you're thinking to yourself "Self, that sounds like a pretty smart sentence that was delivered by a savvy ad professor" but you, dear reader, have yet to hear the context.  She said that wonderfully crafted sentence right after she told us "We're having some special speakers in for Ethos week..." thats when she chimed in with the little gem about being picked up by the network.  Yeah, I have tried and tried but I still can't figure out what she's trying to say to us.  Eastern is going to get picked up by the network?  Which one?  Is it E!?  Because I would LOVE to meet Chelsea Handler.  Anyway, after the network sentence someone in the class asked if tattoos were considered advertising and this led to a debate in which I professor said "tramp stamp" at least 19 times.  Someone in the class room said it, and teach found in humorous, then she ran with it, tired it out, beat it, and set it on fire before she decided she had said "tramp stamp" enough.  

I know that wasn't the main part of the story but I get a little upset and off topic when I talk about my ad teacher.  The main portion of my story is just another one of those strange things that happen to me on a daily basis.  I was walking out of ad class with the girl who sits next to me, when I notice a very handsome gentleman walking from across the way.  He is gorgeous, tall, about 6' 1'' or 2''  with short dark hair.  His hair has the beginnings of a slight faux hawk, which, if you actually know this author, you know is a MELTING point for me.  He had a very rugged 5 o'clock shadow, a northface zip-up and some straight leg jeans, which in my fantasy world were diesels (not sure if thats what they were tho).  He looked like a combination the three sexiest men alive which are (in no particular order)

Very sexy Jakey-poo

Jordan Catalano 
(yes I know it's Jared Leto, but I just don't care.)

And last, but certainly not least, 

Reily Pool
(once again I know it's really Justin Bartha, but I just Love the snarky scientist in National Treasure)

So imagine you're me, and the three gentleman listed above really get your juices flowing.  You have accepted the fact that they are famous, and will never in real life encounter anyone so beautiful.  One day you're walking down a regular hall way, on a regular day, when you see him.  The gorgeous hybrid of your dream men.  If you're anything like me, you make brief eye contact, and hurry by knowing you will never truly love anyone, like you did this man, again.  It's what I would have done, and what any normal girl at Eastern would have done.  Of course in my crazy life things never work out how they should.  

I was daring and made eye contact, and YES! he looked too!! now it's time to hurry past and get on with my life as a mere mortal.  But wait, is he.. I think... oh god he's walking towards me, actually shifting his path towards mine.  There must be someone he knows behind me but GOD DON'T LOOK!!!!  If I look he'll think that I thought he was looking at me, and I was checking to see if he was or not!!  This is getting so hard what do I do?  What do I do?  He's getting closer to me now,  and his arms are opening like he wants to hung someone.  This is getting to weird I know this Adonis of a man doesn't want to hug me, but suddenly his arms are around me.  OH I get it now.  I've died, I'm dead, the pneumonia got me and I went to heaven (SCORE).  But the hug feels real, he feels real, all hard a chiseled.  I don't understand this?  Maybe it's hug a stranger day?  You'll imagine my surprise when the next words out of his mouth are "Hey EasternGirl (he actually said my name, but this author will never tell!) I haven't seen you in a while!!  How's life?  I miss you."  WHAT. THE. FUCK?  I don't know this guy.  I have NEVER met him.  I would REMEMBER if I know this guy.  He is literally my walking fantasy, and although we are apparently on a hugging basis, I have no idea who he is.  I stood there in awe of his beauty and made polite chatter with him for a few minutes. He said something about his classes being messed up and I responded, hopefully in English.  I can't be sure tho, because I was to busy wondering how he could possibly know so much about me,when I didn't remember him at all.  After a few minutes of conversation we went on our way, he gave me another hug (wtf? we're close enough to be double huggers?!?) and he walked off into the distance saying he hoped to see me again soon.  

I have NO GAME.  I know any normal girl would have taken advantage to being on double hug terms with one of the hottest guys they have ever seen.  I on the other hand, am a coward when it comes to men.  Especially hot ones.  I let him go on his way, because after all, if you love something you set it free, and if it never returns it wasn't love.  At least thats what I'll tell myself when I try to fall asleep after screwing up big time, with the man who is clearly my soul mate.


Eastern Girl

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

it's been a long time.

I know it's been a while since the last update and I wish I had some witty story or even to tell you about.  I am sick, I have been sick, and I think I will be sick for another few days.  Everything from bronchitis, pneumonia, and food poisoning/stomach flu.  It hasn't been pretty, but to be fair I lost ten pounds with that stomach flu!

Last week was ok to be sick because I still had sick time for work, and it was spring break.  I sat around watching the first season of Six feet under, which I am now obsessed with (my sister got it for me for my birthday so hopefully it will be here soon!!).  Other then that I've been eating, sleeping, throwing up, and just having a good old time.  That was until bronchitis came a long.  Do you know what it feels like to barf when you have bronchitis?  Well if you don't it feels like rubbing acid covered sand paper all over your already hurting throat.  I figured my throat was just sore from the barfing and took myself back to work, and went out with my friends for my birthday.  

My birthday was a great time, despite the sore throat I was still able to knock back the drinks that people in the bar kept buying me.  I work at said bar on the weekends and they were more then happy to send shots over.  I was given some wonderful gifts by my closest friends, 80's boobs got me a DVD, some stuff from lush, and a poster of my favorite man from Twilight, Jacob (because he has a personality people) Blonde got my fav, headbands, and Mex, got me a pack of gum, which I refused to pay him back for, explaining to him it was my birthday present.  All in all it was a pretty good haul.  The folks got me some nice stuff too.

Flash forward to monday, throat is still pretty sore, but I go to school all day and get my learning on.  By the time I got home I was noticeably colder then I usually am.  This can mean only one thing.  I have a fever, ugh.  To make a long story short it got up to about 103.5 when seeing a doctor became imperative, but I already knew what was going on.  Fucking pneumonia AGAIN!!  That pretty much brings us to here actually, I didn't really have anything to exciting to post about but Blonde was getting upset, and seeing as she's my fan, I pretty much have to do what she says.