Thursday, May 28, 2009

lady in the bathroom

Dear lady in the bathroom next to me, 

When one goes into a private ladies rest room there is certain etiquette one must adhere to.  You broke quite a few of these rules on your trip to the fifth floor women's bathroom in Pray Harold today.  Around 11:45 I entered the bathroom, after my delightful computer class, to partake in an afternoon number one.  There are 4 stalls in this bathroom and I took the stall the second from the right, which was next to the handicapped bathroom.  I had barely started to relieve myself when another woman came stomping into the bathroom breathing heavily.  Here entrance was where she made her first mistake.  People are doing a very private thing in the bathroom, unless you are with a girlfriend and fixing your hair/makeup it is unnecessary and frowned upon to be so loud.  

Toilet selection is also an important part of bathroom manners.  In this case empty stalls will be represented with O's and occupied stalls will be represented with X's.  The handicapped stall will be an H.  This is what stall I was in...


This is what stall the rude bathroom lady choose..


In this situation she should have chosen 


There was plenty of space in the bathroom, and one should always give at least one stalls length with applicable.  

I know these seem to be minor offenses, but the horror continues with the most important rule of all; Under NO circumstance is it ok to speak any words meant for your benefit only.  Let me explain myself.

I understand that sometimes a person has a bathroom emergency, I.E. we eat something that doesn't agree with us and must take a doosey of a twosie, which is to say explosive diarrhea.  We've all been there, even if we don't want to admit it, and thats ok, its good to keep those things to yourself.  The problem I have, bathroom lady, is that you felt it necessary to chant "oh god, oh god, oh god." over and over again as the demons flowed from your body.  Also the heavy breathing didn't help matters much.  I can hear that you're fighting a losing battle with your bowels quite clearly just by the toilet noise, and no one needs the verbal cues.  From now on keep them to yourself.

Needless to say I've never washed my hands faster, I needed to get out of there ASAP.  Now do you understand why I was mad about her choosing the adjacent stall to me?!?!

And now something completely unrelated...

nom nom nom...

Eastern girl

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today in my Computer Science 101 class I had an exam to take.  It was pretty straight forward, just click your answers like you would a facebook or myspace survey.  Still before we started it had to be explained to us by our teacher.  She somehow managed to drag out the explanation for 15 minutes as she clicked through a pre test we had taken just the day before.  All in all the test wasn't so bad but one of the questions was so odd that I went out of my way to memorize it.  The question went a little something like this...

True or false, human emotion can be easily transformed into numbers and stored in a computers memory.  

WTF?  It was one of the most bizarre true or false questions I have ever seen.  I guessed false, but really it could be argued a few different ways.  Can emotion be stored on a computer?  Well yeah, what do you call the stupid little "emoticons" that we are all guilty of using on a daily basis?  I mean "emot", I'm guessing is short for emotion.  Therefore I can easily store in this blog that I am feeling happy :) or frisky ;) or have boobs ( . )( . ).  Ok so I know having boobs isn't an emotion but isn't that sexy?  

Or was the question trying to ask us if computer could SHOW emotion?  As those of you who watch star trek know, they can't unless supplied with an emotion chip (duh).  Data from star trek is an android who doesn't show emotion through the most of his android life.  Until one of the movies that is when the emotion chip is implanted and then becomes fused onto his nural net.  (NEWS FLASH: I'm a loser).  Until that time he is simply an emotionless android. 

Notice: no emotions

So maybe in the future it's possible but as of right now?  This is your top of the line android...

So much for emoting.

In the end I did decide to answer false because I'm sure thats what the teacher is looking for, and I was probably over thinking things. 

In other news there's a cute guy sitting across from me, maybe I'll shoot him one of these ;) I wouldn't want him to think I'm a deranged android tho...

Eastern girl

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

back from hiatus

Hello dear reader(s?) I know I've been gone for a long time, but as it was time for a break I didn't feel I could properly rant about Eastern if I wasn't in any classes.  Since I'm taking spring classes this semester tho, you're in luck I'm back, but I have some bad news...

Something has happened to me that I may never recover from.  I had just gotten out of a very intense Interracial Communications class in which we watched "Rosewood", which was about a horrible massacre that occurred in Florida.  I was feeling quite down about the world in general, when suddenly it happened.  I was driving down cross street about to turn the the left side of the penis tower when a frisbee flew in front of my car.  I hit the breaks, since I didn't want to run over whatever frat boy or stoner was about to go chasing after it.  Then like a mythical sasquatch, the hottest guy I have ever seen in person walked in front of my car.  I was about 6'2'' tall, with the body of a Adonis, or for those of you not farmilier with Adonis, the body of Edward Cullen. 

He was wearing tiny blue shorts and his shaggy hair was held in place with the luckiest head band in the world.  Because of the vigor's of tossing the bee, he was sweaty and glistening.  I swear to god I almost crashed into a phone pole, which I can only assume I was drawn to because it was phallic.   I know I said this was a terrible ordeal, and the reason I say that is now every mere mortal man will seem hideous by comparison.  I think the only man hotter then him is Ryan Reynolds.  So picture this...

...Only different because I saw him with my eyes, and not on a screen.

In other news, I may have a hard time finding things wrong with this semester, all my teachers are surprisingly competent this time around.  I know that seems crazy, but since I was careful to check rate my professor before signing up, I might have actually pulled off the impossible.  

Eastern Girl.